This is my messy art table out in the living room. My husband suggested I get this table one day when we were at Michael's. He thought it might be a good thing to get all my art stuff off the coffee table. ;-) So, this is what I do in the evenings while we watch TV - I finish off artwork and do whatever needs to be done.
I thought I'd show you some of the projects I am finishing off. I don't like to work on one thing too long, because I bore really easy! I have about 10 things going on at once here. The
bisqued moons you see here were painted with outdoor paint. Last night I started adding details to them with a Sharpie oil paint pen. You can see them closer in the photos below. I'll work on these quite a bit more. I will add details to the eyes, lips and cheeks and will most likely go over them with some sort of paint treatment so the pattern isn't so 'in your face'. Once done, I'll seal them with sealer and embellish with beads. I'll show you them as I go.

Also on the table are Day of the Dead magnets which I packaged in small zip bags. All that's left to do is make some sort of tag on my
inkjet, so they'll sit there for a few more days while I get around to making the tags.
There's a candlestick I started working on. I have a box of 6 to do, and this is my prototype. I work out the pattern before I do the rest. This shape is very tricky, but I think it's working. I still need to complete the top portion, but got bored and moved on to something else.
To the right are a couple of wine toppers that went through the kiln a second time due to a bad glazing. I finished them up by adding the corks. These are ready to put into inventory. Behind the corks are the tops to two boxes that need another coat of transparent glaze as I did a 'patchy' job last time. The glaze I use is on the table to the far left. There's also an ornament that got stuck to a kiln stilt.
Doh! I had to file it down with that long white rectangular tool you see sitting on the desk. The bad spot will need to be
reglazed and fired again. Once it fires it will be as good as new.
Lastly, there's a box to the right. These are the boxes I ordered to package my 3" button ornaments out. I was testing the ornament to make sure I ordered the right size! The wire y
ou see near it is what I am going to use to make a hanger from. I take a bit of copper wire and curl it around to make a really neat hanger.
Oh! Nearly forgot! The purple square you see to the right by the moons - this is photo cube I made from leftover clay. They've been high fired and painted with acrylic paint. I poked holes into the top before firing. Last thing I need to do is add multiple wire
curlies so you can add photos. I have it on my desk to figure out what size wire gauge to buy. I'll post them as I finish them.
So, that's it. Those are all the small projects I am finishing up. As you can see, there are
alot of small finishes that need to be done before a project is considered complete. Another side to the creative process.