A visual journal. Illustrated pages a of thoughts and ideas. Journal pages in the form of ACEO, ATC, Altered Books, or traditional journal pages by artist Cindy Couling. Also a look at other art projects and swaps currently happening in my studio including mixed media, painting and pottery / ceramics.
Pages 10/14/07
Look what I just learned how to do. :-) I took a bunch of my photos of my altered books and journals and made a slideshow with Slide. I'm probably one of the last people to make my own slide show. It was actually very simple! Anyway, these are photos from a round robin True Colors theme that I was a part of in 2004. It was one of the best round robins I've participated in. Enjoy.
Pages 10/10/07

I got a hankering to work on some ceramics pieces this past weekend. These are bisque fired cork toppers. I just drew the black lines first, and will color them next weekend. After the color goes on, I'll fire them to cone 06, then apply the transparent glaze and refire. I'll post the next stage as soon as I get 'em done.

Pages 10/06/07

UPDATE - I just found a picture of some of the swap items one person received. (Pictured Right) Looks like she got one of mine. :-) This was a great swap. I got back some really cool items.
Pages 09/08/07
Pages 08/28/07

Wowee. I got a bit of a surprise yesterday when I got my ATC Quarterly in the mail. I knew there was going to be an article about my Journal ATC's in this month's issue - but had no idea I'd be on the cover. Did I say Wowee yet? Well, if all the nice emails I've received from folks trying to help me snap out of my creative block, this certainly will. If you haven't checked out ATC Quarterly - check it out! I always find it very inspirational. Ronna Mogelon, the editor, is phenomenal. Anyway, I wanted to share the good news. :-)
I feel the urge to do some drawing, so maybe this dry spell is coming to an end ...
Pages 08/16/07
I am having one BUMMER of a week, guys. I've done nothing creative for myself since the weekend. Ack, wish I could hide under my bed, and skip Friday. Work, is just ... a drag this week. My 'rock' at work (a co-worker) is sick this week and I'm just so missing her strength and sense of calmness she gives me when dealing with all the wahoo clients we have. Boy, I wish the week was over.

Well, enough whining ... no art to post today, so I thought I'd find some ephemera or something 'collage-y' to share with you out of my collage stash. Here's a freebie - a nice fat scan of a game board of a bunch of cards. These are great to add on ATCs, or I print them small and use them in matchbox swaps.
Gosh, can you creative types send me some creative vibes to get me back in the groove? C'mon, I know you can help me ... if I have any readers out there (I'm not sure if anybody reads this blog 'cept my niece and KD), post a link to what *you* are working on this week. I'd love to see. ;-)

Well, enough whining ... no art to post today, so I thought I'd find some ephemera or something 'collage-y' to share with you out of my collage stash. Here's a freebie - a nice fat scan of a game board of a bunch of cards. These are great to add on ATCs, or I print them small and use them in matchbox swaps.
Gosh, can you creative types send me some creative vibes to get me back in the groove? C'mon, I know you can help me ... if I have any readers out there (I'm not sure if anybody reads this blog 'cept my niece and KD), post a link to what *you* are working on this week. I'd love to see. ;-)
Pages 08/05/07

As anyone who follows my blog can tell you, I tend to get bored pretty easily. To break my boredom, I pulled out a chunk of collage materials and got to work on some ATCs and altered tags.
A friend of mine gave me some pretty cool tags from some clothing she bought and thought I could 'do' something with them. I love them! The tag pictured isn't complete yet, and I expect to go back and work on it again. I do that with alot of pieces, get as far as I can, then think about how I want to finish them, or decide if they will be part of a larger piece. I wonder if any of my readers do this?
One new technique I tried was layering a heavy layer of gel medium on the background and gently sticking newspaper to it. Once it started to adhere, I pulled OFF the newspaper and it left the text behind. It's very subtle, and tricky to do. If you try it do it on a test piece

I also painted and pre-made a stack of about 12 ATC card bases ready to be collaged on. Last weekend, while recovering from a cold, I sat in the backyard with a bunch of magazines and clipped out a bunch of images that interested me and put them into a small box. I figured if I had all the pieces ready, I could delve into the images and grab a pre-made ATC and go to town with very little prep work.
I highly recommend this technique to anybody who has limited time to work on art, but needs a little downtime after a hard day at the office.
The two ATC cards I made, I collaged at the same time with the same palette. Again, I am not sure these are done yet. I think they need some words.
That's it for today. I am off to the Santa Clara County Fair. I'll try and take some pictures. ;-)
Pages 07/21/07

Sumthin' different. I've been making Frida Kahlo bamboo beads for awhile and was geting bored of making them. I think it's cool that you can tile the photo across the three beads. It opens up alot of possibilites. I put these up for auction at eBay if anyone out there is interested. :-) They are sealed and water resistant and ready to rock and roll in a cool project. These would make a neato bracelet. I haven't tried putting one together yet, but plan to. I have several sets I will play around with soon.
Pages 07/19/07

Faux Postage
I got inspired from a class I recently took with Mountain View Artist Jacqueline Ernst. We learned how to get better at sketching while travelling. The class was very laid back and Jackie was very flexible with the class schedule. She'd pretty much teach us whatever we wanted to learn or try. It was a great class, very friendly and supportive. Jackie makes faux postage. Her stamps are very intricate and reflect her past travels. I was fascinated by them and quickly sketched some in my journal.
These are the sketches which I scanned and colorized in Photoshop. I made a stamp border and added type. They aren't as detailed as Jackie's, but they're me. ;-)
I recommend a class with Jackie. Her studio is warm and cozy and her personality is infectious.
A shout out to ya Jackie. I'll be back for another workshop soon.
Pages 07/12/07
Pages 06/29/07

Pages 06/27/07

Pages 06/23/07

altered art obsession,
digital collage,
frida kahlo
Pages 06/22/07

"Rule #1 - Be Wierd" I've been taking a class on travel journaling with Jackie Ernst. I wasn't terribly interested in learning to journal while traveling, but I was eager to hang out with some like minded folks. It's been fun. It's good to go back and learn the basics like contour drawing. I pretty much sucked at it, like I sucked at it in Art School. But, it got me collaging and journaling again, which is good. It's amazing how a little comradary with some other creative types can spark your inner artist.
Pages 06/10/07

"Today was my Birthday". I used some of Teesha Moore's stamps and painted and layered some collage over top. I found some gel pens over at Target (4 for a buck, I love a bargain) and am loving them. I haven't really used gel pens before, and I am not sure WHY as they are very powerful. You can draw over practically any surface.
Pages 05/19/07

I've been playing around with some different shaped glass slides for pendants. I've also been reworking vintage jewelry to hang them from. Some of the old junk jewelry I find is awesome, and worth bringing some life back into it.

Pages 05/18/07

Well, I'm still messing around with charm bracelets but the reaction has been pretty underwhelming to say the least. Everyone seems to be making them right now, and that's cool.

Pages 05/05/07

So, I jumped on the charm bracelet badwagon. Yeahhhh. I'm not much of a follower in that regard, but darn they looked like fun. This is the first one I've made and I have 2 or 3 more in the works at various stages of completion. I work on them off and on. Sometimes I will be working on a completely different project and I'll find a bead or oddity and it will be the perfect embellishment for a bracelet. I recommend taking a crack at making a charm bracelet. Have fun with it and push the limits. This ain't your gandma's charm bracelet - that's for sure. ;-)
This one's on eBay this week for anyone that's interested.
Pages 05/04/07
Pages 4/27/07

Well, after a little hiatus, I'm back. I've been super busy with some projects and work. I'm happy to share a large project I completed for a product recently. It was alot of work, but I am very pleased of the results! The company was very great to work with and overall a great experience. Let me know what you think!
Pages 2/15/07

Day of the Dead Ornament - Soldered glass with an original Day of the Dead design underneath. Wire hanger and wire wrapped skull attached with lead free solder. I had a couple of 2X2 glass panes leftover from some really bad picture frames, so I recycled them and made them into something else. ;-)
Auctioning at eBay
Pages 1/22/07

'Ask Me to Cry' Assemblage
This is a Day of the Dead Altar. Constructed of pine and embellished with various ephemera, paints, inks, glass, beads, polymer clay, found objects. Hand built sugar skull. This piece represents dealing with my Father's death and all the things I should have said, but didn't. Bottling up feelings, emotions. There are personal massages written all over the altar.
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