
Pages 09/27/10

This is a new covered, extruded ceramic box I am working on. The top comes off, so I am using the top as a 'landscape'. (So, the line of the lid is the mountain ridge.) One side is going to be daytime, and the other side will be nighttime. Just getting started on this. Usually I don't sketch, I just go for it ... but this one needed some planning to make the transition from day to night work. Will post as I progress.

I've been extremely busy with work and preparing for a couple shows the past weeks, so my poor blog has been neglected. After all the ceramic shows are out of the way, I need to get back to some painting or collage. I hear it calling! ;-)


Pages 09/06/10

On my art table: Working on underglazing my ceramic bottle toppers. I tend to do a bunch at a time to save paint. I have a bunch of Day of the Dead toppers I need to get ready for my show at Higher Fire in October.