
Pages 05/29/10

4 more Copic ATC doodles just completed. I'm going to work on a line of illustrations for note cards (Celebrate, Thanks etc.) Celebrate is the first.


Pages 05/20/10

Here's my final illustration for the San Joaquin County Fair on one of the covers of the publications. It's cool to see it complete with all the type on it.


Pages 05/15/10

Three more ATCs done with a Copic marker (brush end). Colorized with watercolor.


Pages 05/08/10

I am making progress on the illustration. I have all the painting in. I've been working on it most of the morning while watching Wife Swap and Most Haunted. (Love that trash TV. *lol*) Now have to go back and build up the color in some places and add all the highlights and accents. The ribbon on the left really needs some better treatment. I'll work on and finish the painting in a few hours. Then, I have to scan and add the logo in Photoshop. Almost there! I'll post the final as soon as I am done. I'm ready to be working on something else. ;-)


Pages 05/05/10

4 more new ATCs done with Copic markers and watercolor.


Pages 05/04/10

Here's my in-progress illustration for the San Joaquin County Fair for a friend of mine. I have all the lines inked in and ready to paint. There's room for a masthead at the top and once painted and scanned the Fair logo and other info will be dropped in in Photoshop. I always scan at this point – just in case something unexpected happens, like a screw up on the paint. (Or heaven forbid, I spill coffee all over it. Which I've done!) I'll post the final as soon as I am done.